towards More Effective Remote teleOPeration interfaces

MEROP is a team of researchers led by Rodrigo Ventura and José Luís Silva, created with the goal of improving teleoperation of mobile robots through enhanced multimodal interfaces.

Our strategies involve exploring multimodal feedback (visual and haptic), augmented reality, and operators’ physiological signals.

Research Topics

Situation awareness

Multi-second latency

Cognitive workload

Visual and haptic feedback

Augmented reality

Operators’ physiological signals.

Collaboration Partners

Bilateral control of the rover locomotion

Steering functionalities using 7DoF device

Proprioceptive cues for attitude awareness

Vibration cues for traction awareness

Interact Rover during Mount Etna experiment campaign (HRI-Lab and ESA/ESTEC)
Collaboration with HRI-Lab at ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands
João Lousada during AMADE-20 Mars Analog Mission: teleoperation of the Mercator rover


Fast deployment teleoperator unit

Field tests during AMADEE-20 Mars Analog Mission

In-house developed haptic devices:

  Attitude device (proprioceptive cues)

  Traction glove (vibration cues)

Self-contained teleperation console for fast deployment (in-house developed)

Information provided:

  Absolute attitude orientation (Roll and Pitch)

  Rate of attitude’s change (angular acceleration and velocity) 

  Terrain texture

Traction Glove (vibration motors)
Vibration patterns according to traction state (stuck or sliding)

Case study on Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) operation

Tested with Portuguese national corporations and during AMADEE-20

Traction Cylinder (rotation motor)
Rotation patterns according to traction state (stuck and sliding)
Search and rescue mobile robot RAPOSA (developed at ISR-Lisboa)

Case study on Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) operations;

Dynamically modify an overly complex GUI without access to the source code

Classify 3 mental states: rest, workload, and stress

Integration of the operator's physiological measurements
The GUI adjusts the displayed information when the operator is under high workload

Case study on (simulated) lunar rover teleoperation with multi-second latency (3s)

Augmented image to aid operator

Systematic evaluation of the interfaces:

  Predictive Interface

  Avatar-Aided Interface

  Hybrid Interface

Avatar-Aided Interface: semi-autonomous control of the rover based on a dynamic goal (avatar) augmented on the delayed image
Predictive Interface: augmented prediction based on operator's inputs and rover's kinematic

We participate in different events and outreach activities

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Do you want to know more about our research?

Do you have an idea that you would like to test with our teleoperation systems?

Contact us today!