The story behind the KayJay name:
– Tribute to Katherine Johnson
– Aligned our group philosophy of promoting inclusion in research
Research Purposes
Develop a platform to test our onboard algorithms and remote teleoperation
Build a deployable container (physical or virtual) that can be easily integrated in various ground rovers
Reuse a mobile platform with added modern computing and sensors
Onboard Sensors and Functionalities
Differential mobile platform (Pioneer based)
RGB-D camera
GNSS receiver
Integration with ROS1 and ROS2
Onboard functionalities include
Traction detection algorithm
Onboard autonomous navigation (under development)
Research work developed with this robot
MEROP robotics team @ AMADEE analog missions – (link to amadee page)
MSC theses
Rui Abrantes: title (under development)
Gonçalo Coelho: title (under development)
Margarida Pereira: title (under development)
PhD thesis
Rute Luz: title (under development)