Since 2019 the MEROP team has been collaborating with the Austrian Space Forum and participating in Mars Analog Missions.
Analog Astronaut (Iñigo Muñoz Elorza) using the MEROP system during a Dress Rehearsal in Austria, in preparation for AMADEE-20 mission.
MEROP teleoperation hardware deployed during AMADEE-20 Mission.
Analog Astronauts of the AMADEE-20 Mission (credits OeWF).
Analog Astronauts during an EVA in AMADEE-20 (credits OeWF).
MEROP brings to AMADEE missions novel interfaces for rovers teleoperation.
4-31 October 2021;
Organizing Agency: Austrian Space Forum;
Host Agency: Israel Space Agency and D-Mars;
6 Analog Astronauts;
Location: Negev Desert in Israel;
Mission support center: Vienna, Austria.
Read more bellow about our contributions to AMADEE-20 …
5 Mar-8 April 2024;
Organizing Agency: Austrian Space Forum;
Host Agency: Armenia Aerospace Agency;
6 Analog Astronauts;
Location: Armenia;
Mission support center: Vienna, Austria.
Read more bellow about our preparations to AMADEE-24 …
Our Vision
Our interface aims at improving the efficiency of planetary exploration while using a teleoperated rover when an astronaut is in the habitat and lacks visual contact with the rover.
With our interface, astronauts can feel the robot’s traction state and its orientation in space (attitude).
Our Deployed Implementation
Self-contained teleoperation console for quick deployment and execution.
Astronauts used the multimodal teleoperation console during the mission for inspection and exploration tasks.
View from inside of the habitat: Mercator rover, from Tedusar Team (TUGraz).